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Don't Stop

by: armand c. hale | published: 06 27, 2011

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Our objective is not to get along. Our objective is to win! (JMJ)

16 year old forced to kill her baby? So much for "free choice!"

Recently, sidewalk counselors in Austin, Texas prevented a 16 year old girl from being forced to kill her unborn child. Her mother drove her to two different abortion mills in the Austin area in an attempt to force her daughter to get an abortion. At the second clinic, the girl immediately approached pro-life activists offering sidewalk counseling and asked for help. Enraged by the compassion of these pro-life activists and their attempt to help the girl, her mother started screaming and even struck the girl, knocking her to the ground. The pro-life activists leapt the poor girls defense and contacted pro-life lawyers to file a restraining order against her mother. If not for the sidewalk counselors involved in this case, the girl would have been victimized and her baby, likely killed. Read more about it here.

Will ''under God'' stay in the Pledge

From Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel, American Center for Law and Justice

It was patently offensive - outrageous - a slap in the face of every person of faith in America - when NBC decided to cut the phrase ''under God'' from the Pledge of Allegiance during its broadcast of the U.S. Open golf tournament in Washington, D.C. If we sit idle and allow this outrage to stand, the door could very well open for the removal of our National Motto, ''one nation under God,'' from our currency. Our country, founded squarely on Judeo-Christian principles, could be systematically stripped of any and all messages rooted in our religious heritage. The ACLJ is committed to sending a strong message that we will not back down when it comes to the freedom of expressing our Christian beliefs in words and

From Brian S. Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage

We Pledge $2 Million to Reverse SSM in New York - Will You Stand With Us

Last night we were sold out by the Republican Party in New York. Shortly before 10:30 last night, the New York Senate voted 33 to 29 in favor of same-sex marriage. Four Republicans – Jim Alesi, Roy McDonald, Steve Saland, and Mark Grisanti provided the margin of passage. It's time to change the way business is done in Albany. Politicians who campaign one way on marriage, and then vote the other, need to understand: betraying and misleading voters has consequences, too. And the first order of business will be to replace the senators who betrayed us last night. Thank you for standing with us.Read here and get working

Obama's Chances for 2012 Wounded, but We Could Still Lose. Can we defeat Obama in 2012?Can we afford to lose to Obama in 2012

From Todd Cefaratti, Freedom

The pressure on Washington is ramping up. Simply put, ‘We the People’ will not tolerate the endless cycle of deficit spending. All week we have been telling you that Republican leadership is signaling they are prepared to once again ‘temporarily’ raise the debt ceiling without making any significant spending cuts. We cannot continue to enable these spending addicts. When a junkie promises you they will stop using in a month, they are not going to stop using in a month. Washington is addicted to giving away your money, your children’s money, and your grandchildren’s money, ad infinitum.

Bachmann DOMINATING Iowa! Hey all, I hope your weekend goes well so far. For many today provides an opportunity to relax and enjoy some time off.Read here

It appears that Rep. Peter King's decision to hold hearings on Islamic terrorism and the recruitment of terrorists in U.S. prisons has been vindicated by the arrests of these black criminals.Read the post

Obama Won't Release Strategic Oil Until IEA Tells Him To

By the way, how is the price of oil affecting you and your family now? I know a while back we asked about the price of gas locally. Informative article! What do you think? For anyone who thinks Obama cares a squat about this country consider this. He was perfectly happy with the price at the pump going up because he believes we should be paying the same price as Europeans.More read

Fighting Words: DeMint Warns Republicans. What do YOU think? Can America afford more debt? Would raising the debt ceiling cause economic ruin?Read here

Military Chiefs Turn Thier Fire on Barack Obama Over Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan. The disconnect between Obama and reality now involves his mishandling of The Global War AgainstIslamic-Jihad

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Chants Anti-Israeli Slogans and Says She Is Very ‘Proud’ of the Anti-Israel Activist Who Tried to Stop Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress and has aligned herself with CodePink. Check out theVideo

Stop the IMF from bailing out foreign countries with OUR MONEY. Senate Republicans Are Trying to Stop the IMF from Bailing Out Foreign Countries With Our Money U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-SC)Link here.Sources above are courtesy of from Patriot Action.

More sage words from "Conrad the Patriot"

Now here's an idea! Whydidn't the U.S. Govt. think of this?? A friend of mine just started his own business in Afghanistan. He's making land mines that look like prayer mats. It's doing well... He says prophets are going through the roof.

Pay close attention to the interview, especially at about 8 minutes into it.

Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror hoax, the Rockefeller's creation of women's lib, and the elite's ultimate plan for world population reduction and a micro-chipped society.Read the Jones article here.

Governors: Don't Deal With the Regime That Gave Us the Tiananmen Massacre. Thought everybody might want to see this! Pass it on if you can! Here is thelink to the article

From blogger Errol Phillips

To Liberal Jews that fear Christians

In reply to a Liberal Jew who admitted to me that he and most Liberal Jews fear Christians at some level. I pointed out the following: If it weren't for those very Christians you fear – you would either be speaking German or be a lampshade. Needless to say, no response was forthcoming.

An Article in Commentary Magazine by Jonathan Tobin has a pretty accurate take on the herd mentality of Liberal Jewish Democrats. Now I am not saying this applies to All - yet Most would be appropriate. Here is an excerpt from the Article:

We shouldn't be surprised by any of this. Most liberal Jews are fervently partisan Democrats and still wrongly fear conservative Christians far more than Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and al-Qaeda combined. The standards liberal Jews have adopted on that issue are so low it allows virtually any Democrat, even one with no history of support for Israel (as was the case with Barack Obama in 2008) a pass by merely the uttering of a few catch phrases.Commentary Magazine article

The only real Issue in 2012 is do the American Citizens want a representative Government of the People or do they want a Chicago Style Black Liberation Marxist Regime ala Chavez and/or Hu? All other Issues are secondary.

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