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Democratic Socialists of Congress Meet the Members

by: jb williams | published: 08 13, 2009

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Now that Americans are awake and confronting their tyrannical employees in the federal government, who are clearly hell-bent upon forcing a Marxist agenda, it’s time to name names so that the people easily identify who is directly responsible for the biggest assault on American freedom and liberty in US history.

After decades of failed attempts to take over America via their third party initiatives that couldn’t break America’s two party system, leaders of both the Communist Party USA and Socialist Party USA chose a new strategy.

Both being the ultimate “party of the working class stiff,” they joined forces in a new venture that would work within the US two party system, by hijacking control of one of the two primary parties. As the Democrat Party had already spent years identifying itself as the “party of the working class,” engaging in socio-economic class warfare as its primary method for expanding its political power, it was ripe for the hijacking.

Together, Communist Party and Socialist Party leaders established the Democratic Socialists of America, and they share a common ideology which is now the platform and mantra of today’s DNC.

“We Communists believe that socialism is the very best replacement for a capitalist system that has served its purpose, but no longer meets the needs and requirements of the great majority of our people.”- CPUSA

Insert the word “Democrats” where “Communists” appears in this statement, and you have the central message of today’s Democrat leadership.

To gain full control of the Democrat Party, DSA leadership established two congressional legislative bodies, headed by DSA/CPUSA/SPUSA members. Today, these are the two congressional bodies in control of congress.

They are the Congressional Progressive Caucus established by Socialist Party member Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and the Congressional Black Caucus established by Communist Party member John Conyers of Michigan.

ALL members of these two congressional committees represent the Democratic Socialists of America, as both committees are the creation of, and operate under the control of DSAUSA.

If you want to know who is behind the full-court press to nationalize or socialize health care, the auto industry, banking and insurance, here they are.... Is YOUR congress member on these lists?

Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus -

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus -

Every member of these two congressional committees is a problem for every American. To fully understand the related facts, please take the time to study this DSAUSA document - What is Democratic Socialism. Then take a moment to review their current newsletter, The Red Letter to DSA members - ***HERE***

If you still have no clue what we are up against, go one step further and take a look at their designed to attract andindoctrinate the youth of America.

To be sure, they are not the only problem is congress or Washington DC today, but every anti-American policy initiative coming out of Washington DC today, is rooted in this organization and proposed by their members of congress, the members of their two committees.

As American citizens wake up to the reality that their nation, their personal freedom and liberty are under attack on many fronts today, they must focus on the root of that evil, Americans who have lost their faith in freedom and liberty, and bought the false promise of secular socialism and the right of the Fed to confiscate the freedom of one, to purchase the voting power of another.

Ten minutes of history research will quickly confirm that communism, socialism, Marxism, totalitarianism, are all systems by which the governing few are empowered, not the masses. Even though many Americans have been tricked into thinking that their lives are better off in the hands of Washington DC elitists, the vast majority of Americans inherently know better!

If your members of congress appear on either of the two member lists above, they ARE part of the “conspiracy” to destroy everything America has ever been, or was ever intended to be. They are opponents of freedom, plain and simple.

Being “democrat” or “black” is not their unforgivable offense. Being black or democrat does not make one un-American or a threat to American freedom. But being a communist or socialists in a position of power, or today, a position of unbridled power, is indeed both un-American and a threat to every American citizen.

Even Liberals are Waking up to this Reality!

Its common knowledge that Americans are showing up at congressional town hall meetings across the country today, and are on the verge of turning them into public lynching of their overtly arrogant legislative tyrants.

What’s NOT common knowledge is that many of these citizens are Democrats. DSA secular socialists in government and the press are working around the clock to paint all patriotic dissent as some act of “extremism” or “organized mob thuggery” and when all else fails, “racism.”

- “who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises -- or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens. She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down.”

This sounds like something I would write, not to mention a lot like what thousands of citizens are trying to tell legislators at town hall meetings across the country. But this was written by liberal Obama supporter Camille Paglia in her opinion piece titled Obama's healthcare horror.

On the heels of Obama’s town hall pep rally in New Hampshire, Paglia writes – “You can keep your doctor; you can keep your insurance, if you're happy with it, Obama keeps assuring us in soothing, lullaby tones. Oh, really? And what if my doctor is not the one appointed by the new government medical boards for ruling on my access to tests and specialists? And what if my insurance company goes belly up because of undercutting by its government-bankrolled competitor? Face it: Virtually all nationalized health systems, neither nourished nor updated by profit-driven private investment, eventually lead to rationing.”

Now here’s an American liberal who demonstrates the true art of critical thinking. Unlike most American liberals who still haven’t put the Communist Party Manifesto along side of the current DNC talking points and made the obvious connections, Paglia gets it!

Which explains the Need for his Citizen Army...

“What looked like smooth coasting to the 2010 election has now become a nail-biter. Both major parties have become a rats' nest of hypocrisy and incompetence.” – said Paglia

Even MSNBC and CNN reporters were forced to note that despite video footage of angry citizens confronting members of congress about Obama’s Health Scare Scam in every city where a member of congress is brave enough to step into a town hall - Obama’s New Hampshire dog-n-pony show was glaringly void of any opposition. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the tickets to the event were distributed by Democrat members of congress, via their local union offices???

Now that even liberals who voted for leftist leaders in the last two election cycles are being shaken from their blind DNC loyalty by the overt extreme left insanity that defines just how bad life can be the leadership of the Democratic Socialists of America, desperate times call for despotic measures...

Who thought that Paglia and I would ever see eye to eye? - “And what do Democrats stand for, if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the "mob" -- a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist, attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure.”

“Obama's aggressive endorsement of a healthcare plan that does not even exist yet, except in five competing, fluctuating drafts, makes Washington seem like Cloud Cuckoo Land.” - Paglia

I’m a sucker for such a fact-based common sense approach to opinion writing, even if it does come from a liberal. I just can’t help but agree with her here. I never saw that coming! I bet Salon editors didn’t either... Better read the column before they issue a retraction after a phone call from Obama’s Department of Homeland Security who undoubtedly considers Paglia to be a “potential domestic terrorist” now...

So, here come the Thugs!

In a sad but true commentary titled Obama Rent-A-Thug Program moves into High Gear from conservative writer Sher Zieve at Canada Free Press, the Obama propaganda machine is now deeply engaged in the very activity they falsely accuse their dissenters of...

As Zieve chronicles, Team Obama is engaged in hiring PAID counter-protesters via ACORN,, the labor unions and many other leftist front groups, offering up to $500 per week on a CraigsList ad looking for people willing to confront little old lady’s angry with Obama and AARP for trying to shove them into an early grave.

A Cameraman Caught in Middle When Town Hall Erupts Into Violence in Tampa Florida, tapes Obama union thuggery taking place all across America, as Obama hosts a well controlled pep rally in New Hampshire. Make sure to watch the video...

Where are we Headed Here?

The American people opposed Obama spending the nation to more than $12 TRILLION in debt in his first year in office, but Obama did it anyway.

The American people opposed government confiscation of the auto industry, and Obama’s “cash for clunkers” scam which is being used to create false auto sales propped up by more taxpayer funds, while gaining federal control of every computer that logs into the federal website. But Obama did it anyway.

The people oppose federal control of the banking and insurance industries and violently oppose government control of individual health care. But Obama intends to do it anyway, even if he has to send ACORN and SEIU union thugs out to town hall meetings across the country in order to create a TV appearance that everyone in America is for his plan.

Where are we headed here?

We are headed towards a second American revolution, in which real American patriots will have to put tyrants out of business, or give up their freedom and liberty, for a temporary false sense of peace.

Once Obama and the Democratic Socialists of America gained control of all three branches of the Fed, they are NOT going to turn loose of that power without a fight. They will use every tool available to retain their long awaited new-found power. They have the numbers in congress to ram through anything they want and bi-partisanship is an unnecessary restraint on their anti-American agenda.

So, where do we go from here?

The American people were robbed at the ballot box. They have been turned away by the courts, as “not having proper standing” to ask who this person is in the White House, or what he is up to. They are being beaten into submission at town all meetings and crucified by the leftist press for daring to speak out against the media supported march to Marxism. What options are left?

Officials see rise in militia groups across US

Another leftist front organization calling itself the Southern Poverty Law Center has just released a research paper on “right-wing militia groups” on the rise across the country.

Working with Obama’s Department of Homeland Security and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the organization seeks to further label all dissenting voices as “potential domestic terrorists” – likening all dissenting Americans to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, Ruby Ridge militant Randall Weaver and the Branch Dividian Cult murdered by Clinton AG Janet Reno in Waco Texas.

If you think push hasn’t already come to shove in America, you must be deaf, dumb and blind.

The leftists in control of Washington DC can not make it any clearer... They have an agenda and they don’t care how many American citizens, Republicans, Democrats or Independents, are opposed to that agenda - nor do they care what they have to do to advance that agenda.

They are prepared to rob you of assets, earnings, health care, and even life itself if need be, to push through their anti-American global agenda.

But the good news is - the American people are finally awake and taking note. Despite Obama’s repeated claims that he is not hawking socialized death care, the people are reading the congressional proposals themselves and are able to quote chapter and verse of their proposals better than they can.

Still, the bold faced lies continue and the heavy handed rush to Marxism is on track, no matter how much shouting is taking place across the nation.

Now you know why... The people behind it all are in fact Communist and Socialists. It’s not some silly crackpot “theory,” it’s a fact. It’s not a figment of your imagination it’s actually happening.

Now that you know where we’re headed, find a way to do something about it. The future of this nation is only in the hands of elected officials if the American citizens leave it in their hands.



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    susan wallace

    I am a Canadian and I cannot believe that Americans actually believe the garbage you are spotting.
    I do get the message that many Americans feel that both as a group and as individuals that they have almost no say in political matters. This I agree with. But I think you are all dead wrong about the cause.
    If your enemies are the atheists and statists and liberals why then when you sent George Bush to the white house and elected a Republican congress and senate did you not see things go your way.
    Well from this outsiders point of view you have simply identified the wrong enemy. American conservatism depends for it’s very existence on grass roots conservatives like yourselves never making the mental connection that is obvious and self evident everywhere else on the planet. Your interests are not alined with the RICH. The laissez faire capitalism and free markets you support whole heartly has simply led to, corporate America and the Super Rich it creates, getting almost total control over your political system and your cultural system. So much so that they consistently convince you to act against your own self interests.
    The statists conservatives so decry – (those that believe that economic and and politcial power should be controlled by a central government leaving individuals with relatively little say) exist alright and they are in control. But they are not the socialists or liberals or big government you all rail at or They are the very people you support .
    To be blunt your real enemy is the Super Rich be they Democrat or Republican.
    And they have convinced you to abandon equality and economic security at the historical moment when you need them the most. If you are still reading and have not yet grabbed a pie you would like to throw in my face read thr following.
    It AIN”t the liberals in control there are practically none of them left in the US.
    The latest figures on income distribution in the United States shows that the top-heavy spread continues to grow. A mere 300,000 people have incomes equal to the total income of the bottom earning half of the entire population. That's 150 million people. Those 300,000 had incomes 440 times greater than the average income in the United States. The last time the income imbalance was so large was in the 1920s&30s. In the 40s to 60’s the gaps between wealth and income were lessened thanks to war, the income tax, pro-employee legislation and labor organizations that forced a mild redistribution of the profits. That's all gone.
    Your constitution intended that there would be one vote for one person. But since money is political power in America the selection of politcal candidates is in the hands of Golden 300,000. They more or less decide who gets on the ballot: Under your present political arrangement the two major-party nominees represent little more than disagreeing factions within the Golden 300,000, and you get to help choose which one is elevated to the ultimate power in the White House.
    Some choice, but that is what you are left with and will continue to be stuck with unless the income gap is chopped down, way down, so that the top people are hauling in only 150 times the average income of the rest of you. Outsiders like myself do not call that democracy and it is certainly not what your founding fathers intended. But you can be certain that any effort to chop it down will be met with huge opposition from the Golden few with millions spent on television adds . It is time that ordinary Americans especially conservatives started asking themselves why they support candidates ,parties and policies be they republican or democrat that continue to enrich the Golden few at their expense.
    The Canadian politician who brought Universal Health Care to Canada over the dead bodies of the Insurance industry and the rich asked Canadians that very same question. He put it this way,“WHY DO THE MICE KEEP VOTING FOR THE CATS”
    Conservatives should stop buying into the Republican cries of shared values ie issues like abortion which they always support and do nothing about after they get elected. These are smoke screens. Americans had better start paying attention to the real issue- HE WHO HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULE. And the rules are that the rich have no intention of publicly funding education, health care, energy reform or any other program that will result in the redistribution of income that is so desperately needed if the United States is to remain a functioning democracy. Because issues are so complicated today it is easy for the Golden 300,000 to mount huge televison scare campaigns to make people believe they are on their side protecting their freedom of choice, fighting deficits and defeating that old boondoggle Socialism. But all Americans need do is to keep their eyes on the MONEY.
    In the Health fight ahead while the republicans scream that a government program will cause you to lose your choices please ask yourself if that isn’t exactly what the private insurers having been doing for years. And when the blue dog democrats and the republicans ask who will pay for Health care reform scream in one loud voice the Golden 300,000 –it’s the least they can do.
    The election of Obama defied these realities because the internet allowed him to raise huge amounts of money from millions of small donations from ordinary citizens. But make no mistake the members of the house both republicans and blue dog democrats know full well they will not get on the ballot for re-election if they defy the interests of the Golden 300,000.
    PS How can Americans believe that the Media have a liberal bias. Are you all drunk. Follow the money--who owns the media?-the corporations. Americans have almost no access to any other point of view except the ones the Corporations want you to have.
    " The rich get rich and the poor get poorer--just as they did when capitalism operated unfettered and unregulated prior to the first depression.
    Before you all choke I am not a socialist I am in favour of capitalsim but regulated capitalism.

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